Thursday, May 1, 2014

Beachbody May Promotions

Beachbody's May Challenge Pack Promotions are for P90X3 and TurboFire! I just ordered P90X3 and will be starting it when I finish 21 Day Fix!

Additionally, I have a NEW 21 Day Fix Challenge Group that will begin on March 12th. You can EASILY lose 5 pounds per week on this program! My friends are losing weight EVERY WEEK! There is a good chance that they are your friends, too 

You can also get 21 Day Fix as a Challenge Pack and it is OFF back-order as of yesterday  Inbox me if you want more information about any of these products. I can help you!

Order from me here: 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

21 Day Fix Review

I am so excited right now!  You know that I am always looking for new ways to improve my fitness and I have found something that I love and that is working for me!  

In December of last year, I turned the BIG 40 and I made the decision that I would set some new fitness goals for myself in 2014 and strive to become healthier and fitter in the new year.  As my metabolism slowed down in my late 30s, I found it harder and harder to lose weight and to sustain my workouts.  I have read quite a bit of research that says that you can actually reverse this with proper diet and regular exercise.  I was not completely convinced, but I must say that I feel like I am 20 years old right now, so there must be something to it!  I may not look 20, but I feel 20!  And it is awesome!

My first fitness goal of 2014 was to run a half marathon.  I started training last fall and probably peeked too soon because I was doing my final long runs back in November and the race wasn't until March!  I backed off and picked up a few pounds over the holidays and during a trip to Vegas...and then another one to Amsterdam.  Throughout this time, I continued to run and gradually built back up.  I ran the Little Rock Half Marathon in March and I enjoyed every minute of it.  The weather was terrible, but I had so much fun! I am ready to do another one!

So what to do next? I gained some weight during the holidays and while training for the half marathon.  I read somewhere that I needed to consume more calories, but the result was that I began rewarding myself after long runs with too many calories and this resulted in weight gain.

I saw an announcement from my Beachbody coach about a new program to be released, the 21 Day Fix.  "21 days to a better you!" I am not one to follow fad diets, but I logged into my Beachbody account and read about it.  This is how it works:

Research shows that it takes 21 days to break or make a habit.  The 21 Day Fix focuses on nutrition, balance, and clean eating.  The program comes with a nutritional plan that doesn't exclude any of your favorite foods.  You can enjoy treats and even wine in moderation!  The kit also includes food containers that are color-coded and tells you how to calculate how many of each container/serving you need to consume each day based on your caloric needs and weight loss goals.  You also receive 8 full workouts that are 30 minutes long.  If you follow the workouts and the diet for 21 days, you will lose weight.  It is so easy!  You can also order a "challenge pack" which includes Shakeology for one month.  This is the option that I decided on.

My results: I received my 21 Day Fix kit before the marathon, but didn't want to start a new program while I was still in training or recovery.  I did begin drinking Shakeology and I must say that I am SO addicted.  I truly believe they are the reason why I feel so darn good all day long...and I am sleeping all night like a baby!

On the Wednesday after the marathon (which was on a Sunday), I felt like working out so I popped in one of the videos and did it.  I did another one on Thursday and another on Friday.  On Saturday, I did something else, but on Sunday I did the 21 Day Fix yoga video.  I really enjoyed that they were only 30 minutes long and super simple to follow.  You warm up for three minutes, work out for 24 minutes, and then stretch and cool down for 3 minutes - and that's it for the day!

On the next Monday, I started the full plan with workouts and nutritional plan and I have lost 4 pounds since starting 9 days ago!  I have lost 7.5 pounds since starting Shakeology and doing the 21 Day Fix.  I am convinced that this plan is going to continue to work for me!  So convinced that I signed up with Beachbody to become a coach!  I have been toying with the idea for a couple of years and I finally decided to do it!

I am organizing a 21 Day Fix Challenge Group that will begin on March 31st.  If you are interested in improving your health and fitness, click this link:

Create a free membership and then click on Fitness Programs on the left side of the screen.  Locate 21 Day Fix. The kit is $58.95, but they are selling out quickly!  They have already sold out twice since this product was released but will begin shipping again next Monday. Order today and join our challenge group!

You can also check out my Beachbody Website at