...but in the summer, Don directs a BIG tech conference that serves educators across the state and region. It's called the Hot Springs Technology Institute (HSTI for short) and this is the 20th anniversary show. This is our very favorite week of the year because we get to interact with people from around the nation who are experts on technology intergration and we always learn a ton from everyone who attends.
This year, we have a big line up of keynote presenters (including School House Rock!), as well as fabulous presenters from around the State of Arkansas. I am personally teaching a couple of one day workshops on iPad Basics. I've taught the workshop a few times and it is one of my favorites to present on because I usually have an audience full of teachers who have limited experiences with the devices. It is so much fun to see them interact with new technology for the first time and watch the wheels turn as they brainstorm and share ideas for implementation for the next school year.
Registration is still open on the HSTI Website so you can still sign up for my workshop...registration includes the device :)